Thursday, July 3, 2008

Long time gone....

It's early summer and the Obama campaign is starting to look like shit to me.

Obama's in the sack with the evangelical dead-enders, and flip/flopping around about Iraq and as I get more on this, I will post more.

I have hit the streets early with some really dedicated people to reach out about Obama and get some feedback. Frankly, I think this campaign is dead unless obama swings back to where people think he is really an agent of change and not just a Chicago ward heeler.

Whoever in his campaign is steering him away from netroots is steering Obama to defeat. I have a feeling it is embittered clinton people inherited by Obama who have a grudge against Kos, Jerome, Glenn and so many other fine internet activists.

but, beware the Purity Trolls and the right wingnuts gloating at how easy it is to defeat obama simply by making him turn off his strongest base by screaming "too liberal" loudly and repeatedly.