Thursday, July 3, 2008

Long time gone....

It's early summer and the Obama campaign is starting to look like shit to me.

Obama's in the sack with the evangelical dead-enders, and flip/flopping around about Iraq and as I get more on this, I will post more.

I have hit the streets early with some really dedicated people to reach out about Obama and get some feedback. Frankly, I think this campaign is dead unless obama swings back to where people think he is really an agent of change and not just a Chicago ward heeler.

Whoever in his campaign is steering him away from netroots is steering Obama to defeat. I have a feeling it is embittered clinton people inherited by Obama who have a grudge against Kos, Jerome, Glenn and so many other fine internet activists.

but, beware the Purity Trolls and the right wingnuts gloating at how easy it is to defeat obama simply by making him turn off his strongest base by screaming "too liberal" loudly and repeatedly.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stupidifying, part duh.

If the old bromide says that "a man can lead a horse to water, but cannot make him drink," then "Ruffalo's Theory" in "Hufnagle's Hypotheses" reads, "you can lead a man to education but damned if you can make him think." is made very evident by BarbinMD over at The Great Orange Satan.

The NYT drops a bombshell of an investigative story and all the tradmed can do is yawn, roll over, and go back to fawning over McCain.

Granted, the tradmed has a hand in this propagandizing of the nation, and if we have learned anything about the media as of late it is that the media is self-justifying, and self righteous. When contronted with their own malfeasance and negligent disregard of due diligence, the media simply forgets it happened.

There are several media pooh-bahs that are liable under guidelines set up at Nuremburg and Geneva, to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting in the commission of war crimes.

I hope the bastards are charged, and dragged to trial in front of cameras. Then we'll see how "forgetful" the media hotshots are, by golly.

Stand by to be "Stupidified."

I don't know what is worse, the latest blather from Peggy Noonan in the WSJ here from 25 April, or this gibberish from Megan McArdle from 24 april.

Noonan is getting stupid here, though I appreciate her disdain of the harrassment that fliers have to endure. But somehow her dislike of having a security worker smell her mascara, spills over into whether Obama loves America enough.

McArdle is simply prattling in a circular fashion to my eyes. To which I reply; Take two Coase theorems followed by a Nash Equilibrium four hours later, and call me in the morning.

Noonan drags up Henry Ford. Henry Ford? He was a racist, a race baiter, an anti-semite, published a viciously anti-semetic journal, operated a goon squad masquerading as a "sociology department," applauded Hitler, was decorated by the Nazi regime, and openly repeated the gibberish about "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." The only thing I would want Obama to do is visit a Ford auto plant in the US; Henry would roll over in his grave. From Henry we jump to George Washington; a time leap of Heinlein-like proportions. Phew! Noonan will say anything to belittle Senator Barack Obama.

McArdle on the other hand is doing little more than cleverly done mental masturbation. Pointless, useless, non value stem winding; and in the Atlantic Monthly when so much is becoming known about the Bush administration's kleptocracy.

Playing the public for a sucker is the objective.

Prepare to be misdirected, misinformed, lied to and just plainly "stupidified" by a media that realizes the jig is up with the public as pertains to Bush, and the general direction of the nation.

Noonan is but a symptom of the general media malaise that will grip the nation as we move inexorably towards the November elections and the end of the reign of the radical Conservatives. At no time since perhaps Franklin D. Roosevelt at the start of World War II has the media been more in bed with an administration and certainly never for this long.

We will eventually learn why the media sold out to Bush and continued to do so in spite of, or perhaps because of, the lies, deceits, and abject failures of his administration. But until we do, and an end is put to the current media order, increasingly, we will see a shrill, but stupid, dictat coming from our well-known columnists and news services. A sort of disjointed mumbling, and half-hearted self justification filled with guile and bale will dominate the national discourse with McCain being the annointed media choice well in advance of the farcical and useless Republican national convention.

The internet is the only answer to this propaganda, the international press, though limited has not fallen so hard for the Bushist siren song.

This "Babylonian Captivity" of America at the hands of the Bush/Cheney political cabal, the ideological "new Trotskyites," a.k.a. the Neo-conservatives, and the radical right wing of both the Republican and the Conservative parties will end in the failure that has been both foretold and justly earned by the ruinous policies and amaturish administration of the Bushists.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Inner Rottenness of Bush and his Gang

As we learn more about Bush's role in the torture issue, and his blase' "so what?' attitude about it, I think it is reasonable to ask if the torture issue for Bush and his gang is psycho-sexual? For if the scheme was to convince the world we had gone crazy, we succeeded far too well, and the degree of this "success put us right in the same league with such monstrosities of history as the Inquisition, and the Sultan Selim the Grim, and pre-Mao Chinese warlords.

Much can be found at sites like Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo, Booman Tribune, and Daily Kos.

I support the efforts of the ACLU to expose this enormity and disgrace.

I support calls for a full investigation, and admonish all to consider the actions of Bush and his gang to be war crimes, and crimes against humanity trancending political ideology. for you either support outrageous excess, or you do not. It IS that simple.

Friday, March 28, 2008

When someone goes awry...

I like Larry Johnson's No Quarter blog.

But Larry's gone right around the bend in his Hillary support. It is a sad sight to see the shrill flailing as the campaign he so likes, and candidate he admires so much sinks in defeat.

He was a popular poster at Daily Kos, and earned trust from several prominant Kos stars like Booman in particular.

Then this damnable primary has come along, and the good mind from the CIA that we all need to make sense of the intelligence community has jumped onto the Clinton bandwagon and has gone right over a cliff with it.

Bridges burned or burning. The tone is overly shrill and to my eyes, misleading.

Larry, snap out of it man.

Did you see the Frontline presentation about the war?

I was shocked. The entire calamity was F.U.B.A.R. right from the get-go.

Warning, daydream about something that bugs me

From the first seconds after the planes hit the World Trade Center, the analysts in the intelligence communities declared that this was a bin Laden job. Something about that bugs me. The issue is Cui Bono?

Who benefitted? That really makes me wonder, considering that everything, and I mean every safeguard system, every opportunity for due diligence, and every action taken in the run-up to the Iraq Calamity was botched, bungled, and blown.

We charged pell-mell into Afghanistan, shot the place up and then left the job half done so we could attack another place. No thought of the consequences.

If the brainy guys got everything wrong, what if they are wrong about bin Laden too?

/end daydream

A line I like...

"I don't believe in conspiracy theories, I believe in conspiracies."

I am not sure who said it but I like it.