Saturday, September 1, 2007

No Piling On.....

Larry Craig is leaving the Senate.

From a Fopping Hashimoto to a swishy bathroom "hunter."

Now Pat McHenry is sinking into a murder scandal?

It has to suck....ooops, bad word choice, it has to be depressing to be a GOoper of late.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sunday's work, at this late hour.

I don't do much Sunday independent blogging, preferring instead to hang out at Daily Kos and at sites along the sidebar and post a little here and there.

the big issue this Sunday is the empty headed war whooping and jingo nonsense going on in the media.

The fallout over the Michael Gordon unsourced story is still raging, and Kurt Nimmo has something that is getting around the net about the evidence of Iran's complicity being pushed more to deceive the "Bubba Vote" than to convince anyone given over to reality.

Read Nimmo's post carefully. This Iran attack business is all about convincing the public of the "necessity" of going to war against a country we don't need to go to war with.

Do not support Bush's latest insanity. Demand an end to the Bush/Cheney war machine. Your Congresspeople await your letters. I'm writing. How about you?

Sunday's work, at this late hour.

I don't do much Sunday independent blogging, preferring instead to hang out at Daily Kos and at sites along the sidebar and post a little here and there.

the big issue this Sunday is the empty headed war whooping and jingo nonsense going on in the media.

The fallout over the Michael Gordon unsourced story is still raging, and Kurt Nimmo has something that is getting around the net about the evidence of Iran's complicity being pushed more to deceive the "Bubba Vote" than to convince anyone given over to reality.

Read Nimmo's post carefully. This Iran attack business is all about convincing the public of the "necessity" of going to war against a country we don't need to go to war with.

Do not support Bush's latest insanity. Demand an end to the Bush/Cheney war machine. Your Congresspeople await your letters. I'm writing. How about you?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Introducing "The Freakies!"

Closing today's posting rounds, I'd like to end on a light note that for some folks is quite scary.

I call them "the Freakies." Religious dead enders who claim they can tell the future and see things, and prognosticate about the end of the world, the rapture and such.

Here's one I like, and maybe you'll like these guys too. Rasta biblical code freakies.

Here's one that is a favorite with the Kossack "Bill From Portland Maine" who is one of the more gifted blogging voices around and a national treasure as I see it, Rapture Ready "Rapture Index".

And lastly, we have these freakies passing gas, err I mean gloomy predictions about the end times. these guys are something, phew!.

so, when I say freakies, this is what I mean.

The Brutal Story

I was deeply moved by this story from Today In Iraq, and the grim photo from76News via Uruknet.

See also this story from Uruknet. and, this grim translation of a 76news article See and click the yellow shaded lettering above the photo of the dead woman, it gets grim, fair warning.

The simple wanker prize...

I have a number of names for my first "simple wanker" prize.

Now, the "simple wanker" can be anyone who's statements are quite around-the-bend, freaky, or looking like blatent propaganda lies.

The first winner is Michael R. Gordon, Chief Military Correspondent, for The New York Times.

Mr. Gordon was a voice of support for the Iraq War in 2002/2003, and has tried and actually managed to "step between the raindrops" as the Iraq enterprise has dissolved into the current fiasco. The best critique I have found to date about Mr. Gordon's clever journalistic footwork is from Alexander Cockburn at Counterpunch dot org.

Mr. Gordon is again hawking the ideological line from the administration when it comes to Iran and conflict.

However, this time around, people are not so trusting of the media and voices of alarm like Mr. Gordon's. Further, I wonder about Mr. Gordon's own mercenary interests. It seems a tad disingenuous of a military correspondent to hawk war. For Mr. Gordon it is job security and a chance for more honors no doubt, but for the young people charged with carrying out this insanity, it is a ticket to an early grave.

America does not need a war with Iran, nor does Israel, nor does the world.

Mr. Gordon, for your return to being an administration propaganda stovepipe you are this week's "simple wanker."

For a sharp rebuttal of Gordon's article in the NYT see this excellent posting from Glenn Greenwald.

the war-whooping bullshit. It's starting again.

Fopping Hashimoto of the Week #1

When it comes to silliness, and plain display of wilful ignorance, this weeks winner takes the first such prize that I have offered.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, R-Ca, tries to tell us that Dinosaur Farts caused prior rises in carbon dioxide levels.

This is patent lunacy, and it is certainly befitting that a Republican is spouting this ignorance.

Hattip and thanks to Dark Syde at Daily Kos for this information.

The rules for a Fopping Hashimoto prize requires that the recipient be an elected political figure and his/her actions/statements be so loopy that it hurts your mind to think about his/her outburst(s).

Israel and al Aqsa....

I read on al Jazeera that Israel is undertaking repairs to the al Aqsa mosque complex and this is causing consternation among the Muslim community. The al Jazeera story is a statement from Hassan Nasr Allah, the Lebanese head of Hizb Allah.

Naturally, there is considerable saber rattling.

However, the King of Jordan has spoken in somewhat calmer terms that still carry much warning.

Conclusion? If the Israelis botch this repair and the domed mosque collapses, I don't think anyone or anything will spare Israel from considerable backlash. A backlash it will have brought upon itself.

For comic relief on this topic see the freakies. I see Mr. Bush's "foreign policy experts" have been mistaken again.

Here we are again.

After a dismal conversion to new Blogger, in which I lost the entire old blog, it looks like this might finally be working.

I have the sidebar basically complete, only a couple of more to go.

Maybe, this time things will work.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

begin again, Finnigan.

Once more unto the Blogger breech!