Friday, March 28, 2008

When someone goes awry...

I like Larry Johnson's No Quarter blog.

But Larry's gone right around the bend in his Hillary support. It is a sad sight to see the shrill flailing as the campaign he so likes, and candidate he admires so much sinks in defeat.

He was a popular poster at Daily Kos, and earned trust from several prominant Kos stars like Booman in particular.

Then this damnable primary has come along, and the good mind from the CIA that we all need to make sense of the intelligence community has jumped onto the Clinton bandwagon and has gone right over a cliff with it.

Bridges burned or burning. The tone is overly shrill and to my eyes, misleading.

Larry, snap out of it man.

Did you see the Frontline presentation about the war?

I was shocked. The entire calamity was F.U.B.A.R. right from the get-go.

Warning, daydream about something that bugs me

From the first seconds after the planes hit the World Trade Center, the analysts in the intelligence communities declared that this was a bin Laden job. Something about that bugs me. The issue is Cui Bono?

Who benefitted? That really makes me wonder, considering that everything, and I mean every safeguard system, every opportunity for due diligence, and every action taken in the run-up to the Iraq Calamity was botched, bungled, and blown.

We charged pell-mell into Afghanistan, shot the place up and then left the job half done so we could attack another place. No thought of the consequences.

If the brainy guys got everything wrong, what if they are wrong about bin Laden too?

/end daydream

A line I like...

"I don't believe in conspiracy theories, I believe in conspiracies."

I am not sure who said it but I like it.

Two Months later and still no nominee.

Edwards dropped out of the primaries. This left Senators Clinton and Obama, which to choose from. I was suspicious of Obama, and disturbed by Senator Clinton and not because she is a woman, but because she seems to waffle on getting out of Iraq more than Senator Obama does.

That is the decider for me. Out of Iraq; no ifs, no ands, no buts.

I will support Obama, not because he is perfect, or my first choice. the Illinois Senator is at this late date the only choice that makes sense.

Senator Clinton is self-destructing and destructive too. Senator McCain is a war mongering, seemingly senile acting dingbat.

Obama is the one to do the job.