Monday, April 14, 2008

The Inner Rottenness of Bush and his Gang

As we learn more about Bush's role in the torture issue, and his blase' "so what?' attitude about it, I think it is reasonable to ask if the torture issue for Bush and his gang is psycho-sexual? For if the scheme was to convince the world we had gone crazy, we succeeded far too well, and the degree of this "success put us right in the same league with such monstrosities of history as the Inquisition, and the Sultan Selim the Grim, and pre-Mao Chinese warlords.

Much can be found at sites like Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo, Booman Tribune, and Daily Kos.

I support the efforts of the ACLU to expose this enormity and disgrace.

I support calls for a full investigation, and admonish all to consider the actions of Bush and his gang to be war crimes, and crimes against humanity trancending political ideology. for you either support outrageous excess, or you do not. It IS that simple.