Friday, January 18, 2008

It gets goofy over there....

As a Kossack, one of the joys of Daily Kos is reading the diaries that catch your eye.

Some writers I like, and some I read only once.

But, primary season is upon us and frankly I am beginning to burn out. The endless 'Support Obama, because all the cool kids are supporting Obama' diary line is inane and off-putting as far as I am concerned.

Sorry Obama-lama-ding-dongs, but Obama is a political lightweight, with questionable progressive, let alone liberal credentials. He seems full of this hope and optimism and windy exuberence, but doesn't seem to have a position about anything. Classic rubber politician. Not much more. He grins, he glowers, he speaks and poses for photos. Other than that, this guy is an empty shirt, and we already have one of those occupying the White House, we don't need another one.

Edwards is far more establishment/conservative than I thought. Granted it is a paleo-conservativism moderated by real life experience beyond and outside of a bourgeois neighborhood country club. But even here, I am beginning to wonder about his committment to good government, a return to liberty, and more, an end of imperial idiocy. What turned me were Senator Feingold's recent statements about Mr. Edwards voting for PATRIOT, Iraq, and now attacking these acts. I tend to basically trust Feingold.

Then there is Senator Clinton. Ugh. I wish Senator Clinton would stay in the Senate. She has a great future there, and I see her as Madame Majority Leader.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Complete Liberal Fascism Lunacy!

I just got to glance through Jonah Goldberg's book, "Liberal Fascism (Lunacy)."

Mr. Goldberg's creaky tome is a shrill if unintelligible collection of grunts from defecating monkeys at the Bronx Zoo...err, I mean a screech about the Liberals that Jonah Goldberg never met.

It is inaccurate, stilted, not very well written in spite of obvious publisher efforts to "clean and disinfect" this awful screed.

Sorry Bernie's boy...I am saving my money for the rainy day your blowbuddy Bush has brought down upon us through his mismanagement.

A man that starts a war with a lie is a criminal. A man that spreads that lie without regard for the horror unleashed because it suits his political ideology is doubly the criminal.

Jonah Goldberg spent a lot of time defending bush's illegal war in Iraq, and complaining about liberal policies. I find Goldberg to be scatter-brained.

Now Jonah complains that the word Fascism gets bandied about too much? Ummm, look at your book cover, Jonah.

Friday, January 11, 2008

When discussions go nutty...

I like Lenin's Tomb blog.

Mainly because I like that "Trevor-Roper-ian" style that Lenin writes in. Will Lenin fill the shoes of that "Lion of Christ Church, Oxford?" (A title that no doubt would leave Lenin groaning almost like Leo McCurn sputtering about "The Oxbridge Justices" when he portrayed the rumpled, "Rumpole of the Old Bailey.")

If Lenin won't lose his "fire," I say let him do it.

However today, Lenin has a posting up about Alasdair Macintyre and the matter of moral critics of Stalinism.

Over here, we are on the outside looking in. But moral critics of Stalinism, when Stalin was alive, had a way of ending up in a village called Magadan, in a region called Kolyma. Usually a trip that was "one-way only."

I suggest that all Americans of a more Socialistic bent read it, right here. It is not especially murky, nor loaded with Anglicisms. But from American eyes, this is almost tragi-comic.

Hillary wins one...

It took me a couple of days to come to grips with Hillary winning in New Hampshire.

I congratulate my Senator for this achievement.

However, listening to the moaning and groaning of political pundits, pundit wannabes, and pollsters left gawking, has left me amused and more suspicious of political reporting than ever.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New name, and other stuff.

It becomes a bore to have to explain what fopping and hashimoto are to otherwise sensible people...the same people who can't find Syracuse, New York on a map of New York State, and don't know where Iowa is.

Since I am an old prole, somewhat socialistic, with a tinge of syndicalism, a name like Old Socialistic Prole seems far more useful.

Ahh, home again!

After months of hanging out at Daily Kos, and just watching the passing parade of bizarre nonsense that we call "political reporting," I am glad to announce that I am returning to my own blog for awhile while the primary hysteria rages.

Senator Clinton's poor showing was something I predicted. She has serious electability issues.

I am not an "Obama-lama-ding-dong" and simply don't think Senator Obama will be very good for the progressive or liberal cause, nor good for the labor union situation. Want universal health insurance? Not with Obama.

I like Edwards. I think he is the one to make a difference for America.

I was shocked by Obama's pander to the right winger cross-over vote, which is allowed in the Iowa Caucuses. But I was also impressed with Obama's single minded pursuit of a win in Iowa.

It is just the beginning of a contentious primary season, and the prospect is sickening; oh brother here we go again with the quadrenial madness.

However, we must remember that we have two major political parties here, both of whom are slaves to the supports complete plutocracy, and the other would attempt to control the ravening, slobbering monster. They vary only by degree, though this year there seems to be a far wider than normal gap between the Republicans and Democrats in terms of ideology, but we are talking minutes and seconds of a degree here.