Friday, January 11, 2008

When discussions go nutty...

I like Lenin's Tomb blog.

Mainly because I like that "Trevor-Roper-ian" style that Lenin writes in. Will Lenin fill the shoes of that "Lion of Christ Church, Oxford?" (A title that no doubt would leave Lenin groaning almost like Leo McCurn sputtering about "The Oxbridge Justices" when he portrayed the rumpled, "Rumpole of the Old Bailey.")

If Lenin won't lose his "fire," I say let him do it.

However today, Lenin has a posting up about Alasdair Macintyre and the matter of moral critics of Stalinism.

Over here, we are on the outside looking in. But moral critics of Stalinism, when Stalin was alive, had a way of ending up in a village called Magadan, in a region called Kolyma. Usually a trip that was "one-way only."

I suggest that all Americans of a more Socialistic bent read it, right here. It is not especially murky, nor loaded with Anglicisms. But from American eyes, this is almost tragi-comic.

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